Potowmack Crossing II is not affiliated with Potowmack Crossing I.
The following letter was sent from the PC II Board to all residents on 27 April 2016:
Dear fellow Potowmack Crossing II owners,
It is time again for a board meeting on April 27th; this time, however, it will not be a normal meeting. We will be discussing and presenting to the board and owners issues that will affect our relationship with Potowmack Crossing I. Our agreement with them concerning our use of the pool and small workout space is up for renewal. We will be discussing our options, and since this is a major decision, we will be seeking both input and approval from not just the board but from the owners at large as well. We hope that everyone will attend to voice their opinions.
Currently, we are paying in excess of $33,000 a year (over $660 per unit) to Potowmack Crossing I for the use of facilities that include the small pool during the summer that usually closes at 8:00 p.m. and the small, outdated fitness room. The agreement is up for renewal every five years, and the current agreement will expire in May. We have been trying for a while to gather information from PC I with a decidedly lack of success, continuing some of the issues that had caused us to separate our shared management and grounds maintenance.
Unlike in previous renewal periods, our home owners association has options this time around. Several gyms, recreation centers, and the YMCA have all opened for business with in a 1.5-mile radius, and we have investigated group memberships to these facilities. It appears that we can have access to high quality and wider variety of amenities for a cheaper price. Additionally, we have discovered expenses, such as replacing our aging and leaky plumbing, that need to be addressed. Finding savings to reduce the potential of raising our condo fees is foremost in our minds, and so we will be holding discussions with all stakeholders. We want to discuss the issues and the options before us with you on April 27. We will take the feedback from the meeting, investigate the options, and then have a vote within a month after April 27.
Please come out April 27th to our board meeting, meet with us, converse, add your two cents, and be a part of the decision-making process.
Potowmack Crossing II Board