Potowmack Crossing II Condominiums
1800-1818 W Abingdon Dr.
Alexandria VA 22314
Potowmack Crossing II Board Members
President: Kirk Kitchen
Treasurer: Catherine Korona
Secretary: Martha Orton
To contact the board, e-mail them at board@potowmackcrossingii.com.
Condo Management Company
EJF Management, AAMC,
1428 U Street., NW, Second Floor
Washington, DC 20009
Manager: Nancy Sherrill
E-mail: nancy.sherrill@ejfrealestate.com
Phone: 202-537-1801, ext. 259
For after-hour emergencies (involving property damage or potential danger to residents), contact EJF’s emergency service at 202-537-1801, ext. 5. Please provide the property name, address, nature of the emergency, and your call-back number. The on-call manager will respond under a blocked phone ID, so please accept the call.
EJF does not provide lockout service. If you have been locked out, please call a locksmith.
Web team
If you have suggestions for the Web site or would like to be added to our listserv, contact us at webmaster@potowmackcrossingii.